Answered By: Cheryl Sebold
Last Updated: Jul 22, 2021     Views: 53

Manual Entry:

  1. Check Journals by Title and the Library Catalog to make sure the Library does not have the item. If you need help, please contact the Reference Desk .
  2. Sign in to ILLiad Interlibrary Loan using your Bengal ID and last name. First time users will be prompted to create an account. Note: Here are two paths from the Library's home page that lead to the sign in screen --
    1. Select 'My Library Accounts" in the top menu then select "Interlibrary Loan Account." 
    2. Select "How Do I" in the top menu then click the "ILL Request Form" link in the 'Illiad Sign In' box.
  3. Select your request type (Article, Book, Book Chapter, etc.) from Menu --> New Request in the top menu.
  4. Click “Submit Request.”

From the Library's Databases:

  1. Click on “Request this item through interlibrary loan.”
  2. Sign in to ILLiad Interlibrary Loan using your Bengal ID and your last name. First time users will be prompted to create an account.
  3. Verify information transferred into request form correctly. Add any additional information, if needed.
  4. Click “Submit”.

Note that the ILL office can't fill requests for textbooks.